Praise for previous work by Angus Peter Campbell
‘Angus Peter Campbell has created a whole new mythology’ – Les Murray
‘A masterpiece’ – Sorley MacLean
‘I’m sure it’s the most moving and impressive collection I’ve ever seen from a writer unknown to me till now . . . Angus Peter Campbell has a very considerable gift indeed’ – Norman MacCaig
‘His writing is beautiful and limpid. He has a great dynamism, a great facility for words. He seems to be writing at the height of his powers’– Meg Bateman
‘I can only say that reading Angus Peter Campbell’s latest collection has been a privilege. This is a genuine and exciting voice of Scotland, full of passion, intelligence and honesty’ – A. L. Kennedy
‘If having a unique voice and things to say in that voice are qualifications for literary excellence – as they are – Angus Peter Campbell passes with room to spare’ – Roger Hutchinson
‘Extraordinary imaginative writing’ – Tom Boncza-Tomaszewski, The Independent
‘The most insightful, passionate, humorous manifesto for the role of poetry that I’ve heard in along time’ – Susan Mansfield, The Scotsman
‘Campbell is a European writer: well read in European literature, he can connect his home with a wider cultural context. He is a vitally important writer’ – New Statesman
‘A startling achievement. An Oidhche Mus Do Sheòl Sinn is a joy to read, moving and beautifully written’ – The List
‘Tha an stoidhle-sgriobhaidh a’ cosnadh aite dhan leabhar seo shuas air an sgeilp eadar-naiseanta, ri taobh obair sgriobhaichean mar Louis de Bernieres, Laura Esquivel, Keri Hulme agus Toni Morrison, gun luaidh air Gabriel Garcia Márquez air a bheil an Caimbeulach fhein cho measail’ / ‘The writing style earns a place for this book up on the international shelf,alongside the works of writers such as Louis de Bernières,Laura Esquivel, Keri Hulme and Toni Morrison, not to mention Gabriel Garcia Márquez of whom Campbell himself is so fond’ – An Dr Anna Latharna NicGhilliosa / Dr Anne Lorne Gillies